5 Step Guide On How To Achieve Your Goals In 2021

Have you imagined of what you aspire to be doing in the next five years’ time? Do you have an accurate conception of your foremost goal? Have you made a schedule of what you are to accomplish by the end of today? 

To succeed, you need to set goals. When you place a plan for yourself, you commit and work towards your goal without distractions. In this modern era, most of you work towards accomplishing goals without considering the science and strategy of how to achieve your goals, says Dr Kausthub Desikachar. 

Whether you want to prepare your personal goals or professional goals, this guide will teach you everything on how to achieve your goals.  

What is Goal Setting?

Scholars describe goal setting as the act of deciding a target or objective you yearn to achieve. Not clear enough? 

Well, Dr Kausthub Desikachar makes it simpler to understand for you. Goal Setting is choosing and determining what you want to achieve, devising a plan, and working towards accomplishing those aspired upshots within a time frame.

Here is a challenge in Goal Setting. Everybody wants results in life. Who wouldn’t want excellent outcomes in life? It’s easy to set goals. The real challenge is not about setting goals but also accepting the hurdles and sacrifices required that come your way and moving forward with a positive attitude.

Why Set Goals?

  1. Goals help you think ahead
  2. Setting goals helps you stay focused
  3. It enables you to measure your progress
  4. Motivates you
  5. Allows you to trigger actionable behaviour
  6. Setting goals help you beat procrastination
  7. Promotes self-mastery
  8. Working on set goals help you manage time effectively

Let’s assume; for example, John has the goal of saving money to buy a house. You ask him what type of home he wants to purchase, and he replies, “Anything that is newly built”. Do you think this will motivate John to achieve his goal? Probably not. The problem here is that the end statement is not clear. If John’s goal was more precise, such as “Save $70,000 by December to purchase a Villa,” now he has something to aspire for. This way, goal setting will trigger his focus and motivate him to work on achieving his goal. 

Alright, now that we have discussed what goal setting is and why it is essential to set goals, let’s talk about the Five-Step Guide On How To Achieve Your Goals shared by Dr Kausthub Desikachar. 

5 Step Guide On How To Achieve Your Goals

  • Visualize what exactly you want to do in life

You may have many potential goals spinning in your mind or perhaps stuck with where to begin. Either way, start by visualizing and concentrate on your possibilities and what you are aspiring to accomplish. It is okay to start with a vague idea of what you want to achieve, but you must become specific by identifying and setting your foremost goal. 

  • Set a SMARTER Goal

The goal you set needs to be SMARTER, i.e., They need to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic & Time-Bound. You may have heard about the well-known SMART model for goal setting. It is shown that if you set goals on the SMART principles, you will have a more precise vision of your goal. A worthy goal has a clear and specific insight. 

  • Split Them Down 

It is merely impossible to attain your foremost goal without a proper plan. Break them down into smaller and manageable steps. Have them written down in a clear and detailed format like your long term goal (Five Years), then break them down into smaller goals that you want to accomplish year by year. Next, break those steps down into weekly and daily goals. Penning them down will encourage you to identify the knowledge and skills needed to achieve your goal. They also help you be well-prepared of the hurdles you will have to overcome to achieve your goal. This way, you will not feel overwhelmed. 

  • Set a Deadline

Setting deadlines for each of your goal or tasks will help you be focused and improve your work performance. Having a tight deadline will not permit you to think creatively, so set an attainable deadline. Whenever you complete a task before the deadline, do not forget to reward yourself and celebrate each step of success. By doing so, you will develop self-confidence that will motivate you to accomplish your goals faster. 

  • Overcome the Fear of Failure

When you follow everything in this article and yet struggle to achieve your goal, chances are you are mentally blocked. A mental block is a significant reason that holds people back from taking action and achieving their desired results. Our brain is devised to keep us protected and thus doesn’t like peculiar and unfamiliar things we have not attempted in life before. As a consequence, you start to procrastinate or demotivate yourself. Ask yourself: “What am I afraid of? What is the most unfortunate thing that could occur?” Then go even more profound and ask yourself: “Why am I so scared of this?” Kausthub says your growth lies in your fears, writing them down and setting a plan to overcome those nightmares will help you defeat the fear of failure and give you peace to go with the flow and achieve your goals. 

Kausthub wishes you all the best in achieving your goals. 

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Dr Kausthub Desikachar

Dr Kausthub Desikachar

Dr. Kausthub Desikachar is the successor and current lineage holder of the classical Viniyoga tradition of T Krishnamacharya & TKV Desikachar. He is an acclaimed yoga teacher, yoga therapist, healer and spiritual adviser. He is also an avid photographer, inspirational writer and poet.

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